My brother Tyler implored me to get back to writing on my blog... so here I am. Life has been moving faster than the speed of light and things have been happening so fast and so much that my brain can not condense it into words. So what has been up?
Well, I went on the Glenn Beck Program on Fox News Channel a few weeks ago with some friends. It was a neat experience. He invited me up onto the stage for a demonstration. I was also able to get a few laughs from the crowd.
I have been getting more involved in the Liberty Bell Center for Constitutional Studies where I have now been made the Chairman. We have monthly discussion group meetings to discuss the Constitution and the beliefs of our founding fathers and how they apply to our country and world today. And on June 5 we are having our first LBCCS movie night where we will be watching "A More Perfect Union" which is an awesome dramatization of the Constitutional convention where they put together our current Constitution, the most incredible political document in history. I am excited about that. I have been working with a man named Paul Fiske who founded LBCCS and it is neat to pick his old, wise brain :-).
I have been doing lots of reading about economics and history... my usual.
Work is going fine, nothing special.
Financially we are strapped right now. The old woman Hannah helped died a week ago so Hannah is now without a job (and unable to start a new one with the baby coming). So I have been desperately trying to cut down our monthly bills and expenses so we have some money for food and gas (what Hannah was providing for). We will see how it all plays out. Both of our cars are out of gas until Thursday when I get a check.
I am tired also. Riley Joy is such a handful right now and because of all her new teeth coming in kept waking up last night in the middle of the night and singing and climbing on us. But even though I lost sleep because of her, just writing this down makes me smile. There is nothing in this world like having a child :-).