Hannah Joy noticed a nice-looking dresser along the side of the road today. She asked the owner if there was anything wrong with it and was told it was great. So we have a new dresser! But even though I just went over expecting to pick up the dresser, I ended up with a whole lot more!
The family giving away the dresser is moving to the UK in a couple weeks. He has been looking for a job for a long time and an opportunity finally opened up, just on the wrong side of the pond! But his wife is from there, so they are packing up the kids and setting out to restart life there. But there is much that they will not be able to take along, so he took me throughout the house asking if I wanted anything!
He is a mild prepper, so he had a bit of stored food that was not very old. I ended up with some huge cans of beans, pickles, pumpkin, olives and bottled water. He took me to his garage and now I have a jigsaw, another jigsaw-like saw, a hand saw, more sockets and wrenches and a very long extension cord.
He asked if we were needing anything in particular and I told him we needed a 12" bike. He ran out of sight then returned with a little pink and blue bike!
On top of all that, he also gave us a big box of 60 watt light bulbs, dish soap, Pine Sol, kitchen sponges, a DVD player w/ remote, and two child-size camping chairs. Not bad!
While in his basement, I asked if I could pray for him for anything and he admitted that he did not have peace about what they were doing. Before he could move away, I put my arm on his shoulder and prayed in Jesus' name that he would be given peace, that he and his family would be blessed by their move, that Jesus would pour his love out on them in a new way, and that "they would find that their new home is actually their true home." When I said that last line and amen, he choked up and nervously said, "My goodness, you're making me cry or something!"
As I got ready to leave, he told me that he was Catholic, but doesn't really like the church. I told him about Jesus' great love for him and of his worth shown through Jesus' sacrifice. He responded, "Well, some people believe that Jesus loves you regardless of what you've done, but that's just not me." I told him to stop judging himself and instead accept Jesus' judgment of him, that he, Kenny, was worth Jesus' own death on the cross. Then I ended by telling him again how much Jesus loves him and wants to know him personally.
Now I am home praising Jesus for his wonderful, surprise provision for Hannah and me :-). Praise Jesus for his incredible blessings!!!