Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Destiny: Purpose, Power, and Love

God has been working mightily in my life for a long time now. He has completely rewired me even in the last few months. While I have always wanted to move away from the city and set up my own little piece of heaven, I now have the most incredible drive to turn the city of Allentown into a great big piece of heaven! I have been given a love for the people of our city like I have never felt before. I feel like they are mine and I have authority to step into their world in Jesus' name and show them the gospel through my life. But as God has done this work in me and Hannah Joy, He has begun to focus it more and more. I have been rocked with dreams for the city, but now I feel I have been given a vision for the city which is the foundation of all I am doing and will continue to do in life. This vision is made up of Purpose, Power and Love. Hannah Joy has been a wonderful part in bringing out this incredible vision. What follows is our vision as I wrote it out a few weeks ago by the leading of the Spirit.

So what does this vision of Purpose, Power and Love look like?

With purpose, I am speaking of identity. We need to show the people of Allentown their true identities. All they hear are lies, all day long every day. As far as I can tell, there is nobody in the city heralding who they really are! They turn on the radio and hear that they are lazy. The Democrats tell them they are helpless and the Republicans tell them that they are not willing to help themselves. The majority of the church condemns them as murderers (specifically with the issue of abortion), thieves, racists, fornicators and otherwise perverse. And in the midst of all this, they hear demonic lies whispered in their ears that they are worthless, their lives are hopeless, and the only way to better their lives is to take part in things that will only damage them more and leave them burdened with guilt, shame and condemnation.

But that is not their identity! When Jesus died, He died for ALL! That means that they have been forgiven! Their value comes from their being children of God, special, unique creations made to glorify God by living lives of fulfillment and satisfaction in Him. Their worth was shown by Jesus’ giving of His own life to free them from all guilt, shame and condemnation! This is incredible, world-changing truth and yet there are very few if any who are truly preaching it! We need to make showing people their identity and purpose primary in our vision for the city.

By power, I speak of unleashing the power of God into the city through prayer. We have not because we ask not. This means that we need to devote our lives to passionate prayer for our city. This means taking spiritual authority over an area where the devil thinks that He has dominion, and proclaiming that the strong man has been bound and we are by the power of the Spirit and in the name of Jesus plundering his house! This means praying for our streets, our homes, our people suffering physically, emotionally and spiritually. Prayer unleashes the power of Jesus!

By love, I speak of a life of service. This of course is in conjunction with our ministry of prayer. This means adopting our part of the city. This means walking the streets, cleaning up trash, giving to those in need and bringing hope to those who feel they have none. This means giving a face to Jesus in the city. This means having every person within our area of authority knowing us by name and face as people who love them and are wholly sold out for them. This means knowing everything that happens in our city and being ready to respond in love at any moment. Just two days ago, less than two blocks from our church, a woman told her boyfriend she wanted him to move out. He went berserk and destroyed everything she owned, her bed, furniture, television and computer, and even went so far as to pour bleach all over her clothing. We should have been there that evening offering love to her and help to her in any way, giving her some gift cards for food and Wal-Mart to make things easier as she gets back on her feet. Jesus is love and we are called to be Him to the city. Let’s do it!

Let us in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Spirit refocus our entire lives to be about sharing Purpose, Power and Love to everyone around us, but specifically those in our city. Let’s do it!

As I write this, I am shaking uncontrollably. These are exciting times and we are called to do greater works than even Jesus! This is our time and this is our moment! Let’s do it! Jesus is here and is ready to bless us once we step out. I feel it all over me! Do you?