Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pregnant Skin

Hannah has always had above-average skin, it is as near to perfect as normal people can have. But I have to say, when she is pregnant, her skin changes! It becomes even more soft and smooth and just plain perfect. It really blows my mind. That is a pregnancy side-effect I never heard about.

So here is my advise to women, don't bother getting all that stuff advertised on television to give you perfect skin... just get pregnant! Simple, isn't it?


Friday, February 6, 2009

The Elixir of Life

What is the cure to all of life ills? What can make a sad person happy? What works better on headaches that Tylenol? What is refreshing time and time again no matter how often you have it?


Coke is the elixir of life and I do not know how I would survive without it. I don't have it very often but it is a joy every time I do. When I am down or not feeling good, Coke is the answer :-).

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Racist Co-Worker

So, I was up in Electronics Production a while back and heard my friends talking about the television show House. I love that show so I jumped into the conversation. A co-worker said, "Hey Ryan, so what about that ending, Foreman and Thirteen getting together. Wasn't that sick!" I asked what she meant and she said, "You know, white girl getting with a black guy... yuck! You should stick with your kind." My jaw dropped open in amazement. I had never had a friend before say something like that to me without being sarcastic! She continued, "My father taught us well. He said, 'If you ever start dating one of them*, I am gonna cut all your hair off!' One of my sisters did, and he really did it to her! Scarred her emotionally but taught her a lesson. And I told my children the same thing." I could not say anything after that because I was just so in shock that she actually believed that! Wow. That was an eye-opening experience.

I work with a racist.

*you know, those blackies

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Workin' Girl

I am very proud of Hannah. She is doing so well at her new caregiving job. She is back working with M who she worked with until she got pregnant with Riley Joy. Her hours are from 6pm to 9pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday. She has been enjoying getting out of the house (though she still comes home regularly with a headache). Riley Joy and myself have been enjoying our special time together. We hang out in one room until she gets tired of it then we move into another room and play there. We watch some news and play with blocks or I shoot he with my Nerf gun and she brings me back the darts. Sometimes we roll balls or go to the store or share a snack.

There are all sorts of fun things for us to do and I want to relish every single moment of it :-).

Monday, February 2, 2009

Tax Frustration

I did my taxes on Saturday... and it was not as easy as I expected. In the past I used TurboTax and it was always a breeze... but not this time. I think it was because Hannah did not work last year and it put us in a lower tax bracket. But most of my frustration came from these insane contradicting questions they kept asking. For example, I was asked, "Were you required to pay estimated taxes in 2007?" I answered "No." Then they asked, "So what was the first month you started paying estimated taxes in 2007?" What! I just told you I did not pay them! My other frustrations revolved around the Earned Income Tax credit. Let me lay something out here, I REFUSE TO RECEIVE MORE MONEY BACK FROM THE GOVERNMENT THAN I PAY IN TAXES. That means I WILL NOT ACCEPT WELFARE CHECKS FROM THE GOVERNMENT no matter how little pay we receive! So if I would apply for the EIT credit (for which I am eligible) I would receive more money in my tax refund than I paid last year in taxes. That is not acceptable. And regardless it would also raise our chances for auditing significantly... which is something I want to avoid at all costs. We have been hounded for years over a small mistake in Hannah's 2004 taxes and now they watch us like hawks. And if we try and call the numbers they give to talk to them we get the message "I am sorry buy the number you are trying to reach has been disconnected." Wow. Should I be surprised, though? In the end they forced us to double-pay a portion of Hannah's 2004 income tax. But we have been flagged and the IRS is far too heavy an organization to deal with.

But I was able to get out of the EIT stuff and got my taxes successfully filed. Now time to wait for my refund.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Who Is Michael Steele?

Michael Steele has been elected the new chairman of the Republican National Committee, effectively making him the new head of the Republican Party. This is GREAT news for the Republican party. But why? Who is Michael Steele? I have been following him since 2004 when he said these words at the GOP National Convention:

"You see -- you see, [my mother] understood. She raised me to understand and appreciate some of the enduring principles that are important to all of us.

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and incentive. And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they should do for themselves.

These are the beliefs of our Republican Party."

Wow, this is the man we have been waiting for!!!