Thursday, November 6, 2008

McCain lost... so now what?

McCain staffers are now going out and bashing and lying about Sarah Palin. Apparently their plan is to smash her down so McCain does not look bad for losing. They want the public to assume it was obviously that dumb mayor that brought him down.

This boils my blood...

And anyone who says she brought him down is lying or wildly uninformed. Polls show that McCain gained 13% of his votes exclusively from choosing her. And I am one of those votes.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bright Spots

On a high note, the ballot measures defining marriage as between one man and one woman in Arizona, Florida and California have all won! That is a huge victory for families. And there was another victory in Arkansas where the ballot initiative to ban gay couples from adopting children also won! Those are definitely some bright spots in all that has happened. Also, the Democrats did not get their supermajority in the Senate, so the Republicans still have the filibuster option if they need it.

So It Happened...

We were up until midnight watching the election coverage... and Barack Obama has won the Presidency. It blows my mind that our country would elect an unapologetic marxist with strong fascist tendencies. Well, the sixties radicals have finally taken control of our country. They tried to take it through violence in the '60s, but now they have two of the branches of our federal government and are going to do everything in their power to seize the third. We will just have to wait and see what happens.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Did the Deed

I got up this morning and voted before work. The line was pretty long, I had to wait about thirty minutes, not so long compared to some lines but still longer than I have ever waited at this polling place. I cast my ballot for McCain/Palin, Charlie Dent, Mike Welsh, and Tom Corbett among others. Though this has been a very disappointing election season (also terrifying!), I was at least excited about voting for Tom Corbett. He is running for State Attorney General and he has a hard core record of prosecution. He is willing and has a record of holding even Harrisburg politicians to account for their illegal activities. Also he is a hard-liner against child molestors. We will see what happens. I can not say I was excited to vote for John McCain, but I was thrilled to be able to vote for Sarah Palin. A vote for McCain is a vote to bring that incredible woman that much closer to the White House. Now I just need to get through the rest of the day so I can go home, relax, listen to the coverage and pray for the best outcome. This day is taking too long, I am definitely ready to be home.