This paragraph really touched me. It is from Experiencing the Holy Spirit, by Andrew Murray. I have never read any of his work before, but am really enjoing it now. He was not seduced by the widespread legalism of his time (the late nineteenth-early twentieth centuries). He spoke truth.
"At no stage of our spiritual career are the power and the deceitfulness of our individual self and the self-life more manifest than in the attempt to grasp the full blessing of Pentecost. Many people endeavor to appropriate this blessing by a great variety of efforts. They do not succeed and are not able to discover the reason why. They forget that self-will can never cast out self-will and that self can never really mortify itself. Happy is the man who is brought to the point of acknowledging his helplessness and impotence. He will especially need to deny himself here and cease to expect anything from his own life and strength. He will rather lay himself down in the presence of the Lord as one who is impotent and dead, that he may really receive the blessing from Him."