What I display on my blog is righteous anger. God puts leaders in place to punish those who do wrong and do good to those who do right. It's very simple. Illegitimate leaders are the ones who do not do that and God eventually always brings the house down on them. Obama's time will come, but in the meantime I am going to do everything in my power, whatever the cost, to preserve at least the smallest bit of liberty in this country for little Riley Joy. But how can you possibly stand calmly by as they consider whether or not to put children under Government supervision? THEY CAN TAKE MY DAUGHTER AWAY BECAUSE WE GIVE HER TOO MUCH RELIGION! They have already threatened to do that in Oregon! This is the time to be standing in the streets screaming with all that we have to try and wake people up to the fact that these leaders are putting themselves in the place of God! I have been studying our founders and what they were fighting against, and it can not help but make me angry as I see what this tyrannical government is doing. I HAVE READ THE LISTS OF GRIEVANCES THAT LED TO THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, AND IF OUR GOVERNMENT PASSES WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO AS WE SPEAK, OUR LIST TODAY WILL BE EVEN LONGER THAN THEIRS! It is time for NON-violent revolution! It is time to wake people up and change the system from within. We already have the foundation in place, we just need to chase out these rotten folk that are playing God with our families! One unmistakable part about our founders, though, is how deeply they loved God and stived to follow Him. They soaked everything that they did in prayer. George Washington (the "indespensible man") started every day with over an hour of prayer on his knees. That has really blown me away, and as our government wages war against the individuals and families that make this country great, I have been driven to my knees both in desperation and in remembrance of our founders. They absolutely could not have accomplished what they did without divine support, and almost every one of them acknowledged that with quote after quote. He gave us the priviledge of living in a country where we have a say in what goes on, and we will be responsible if we let it slip away without a fight.
Mind you, I watch my tongue when I am in public and representing LBCCS. But on my personal blog I will be brutally honest.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
The News
So Michael Jackson has died... and I am sick of hearing about it. I heard first last night and went, "Oh, well at least we won't have to look at his face anymore." No sadness, I must admit. Now I just wish everyone would get over it! He was a freak, and now he is dead. No more story.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Our Tyrannical Government
I watched the ABC special interview with Barack Obama and his healthcare plans. This was my reaction:
What is wrong with this mas? He wants the government to control our healthcare! He says people are getting too many procedures done. That is true. But what does he plan to do FROM THE FEDERAL LEVEL about it? He can say whatever he wants, but I DO NOT want a WASHINGTON BEAUROCRAT deciding which procedures I or my family members should or should not have! These TYRANTS have no right to make ANY decision for me.
Of course, this goes right along with the other freedoms our tyrant king is trying to wrest from us. As of yesterday, the administration made public its intention to push for ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights on Children treaty! Should that happen, the government would be the final authority on our children. Homeschooling will be virtually illegal (along with most private schools), the government will have the right to surprise inspections of our homes to check on how we are raising our children, and the government will have the final say when it comes to punishment and religion for our children (can't be pushing one single religion on a child or somethings). The moment this treaty is ratified, it becomes on equal level with the Constitution and therefore the supreme law of the land. And at that point we will lose all rights as parents. Some say, "Oh, well you are just taking this too far! Come on, you will not go to jail!" Oh yeah! What about in Europe now where parents are being thrown in jail because they refuse to send their children to public schools! What about in our own country where a judge recently used the CRC as justification to order parents to reduce the amount of "religion" they push on their child and told them how many times a week they are allowed to send their him to church!
And one more, the "Smart Grid." Our government is trying to get the power and technology to record from within our own homes what appliances we have on, what temperature we have our thermostats set at, how many lights we have on, how often we watch television and anything else they want to! This would be warrantless, of course. Can we really expect anything else from these tyrants? Then they say that it is for our own good.
What is wrong with this mas? He wants the government to control our healthcare! He says people are getting too many procedures done. That is true. But what does he plan to do FROM THE FEDERAL LEVEL about it? He can say whatever he wants, but I DO NOT want a WASHINGTON BEAUROCRAT deciding which procedures I or my family members should or should not have! These TYRANTS have no right to make ANY decision for me.
Of course, this goes right along with the other freedoms our tyrant king is trying to wrest from us. As of yesterday, the administration made public its intention to push for ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights on Children treaty! Should that happen, the government would be the final authority on our children. Homeschooling will be virtually illegal (along with most private schools), the government will have the right to surprise inspections of our homes to check on how we are raising our children, and the government will have the final say when it comes to punishment and religion for our children (can't be pushing one single religion on a child or somethings). The moment this treaty is ratified, it becomes on equal level with the Constitution and therefore the supreme law of the land. And at that point we will lose all rights as parents. Some say, "Oh, well you are just taking this too far! Come on, you will not go to jail!" Oh yeah! What about in Europe now where parents are being thrown in jail because they refuse to send their children to public schools! What about in our own country where a judge recently used the CRC as justification to order parents to reduce the amount of "religion" they push on their child and told them how many times a week they are allowed to send their him to church!
And one more, the "Smart Grid." Our government is trying to get the power and technology to record from within our own homes what appliances we have on, what temperature we have our thermostats set at, how many lights we have on, how often we watch television and anything else they want to! This would be warrantless, of course. Can we really expect anything else from these tyrants? Then they say that it is for our own good.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Where I Have Been
Hello world, I am back. Life has been busy and wonderful. Riley Joy is doing incredible new things every day and Hannah just blows me away taking care of Riley Joy during the day and still being able to have dinner ready when I get home. Work is fine, nothing special. Things are slow which makes the days drag, but the weekends still find a way to come quickly enough. Church is wonderful, I love Pastor David and the other members. I never thought we would actually be able to find a church that sought the Spirit but also held fast to the Scriptures. God is good :-). The May rain decided to come in June so we have been drenched the majority of this month but it looks like it finally is going to end. That is well appreciated, because our yard is piled high with half-finished projects that have been waiting for a nice weekend to complete. I need to finish two fences, put in three gates, break down a fence, trim the shrub trees... and the list goes on.
Now, I actually have been doing quite a bit of writing recently. I started a blogsite for the Liberty Bell Center for Constitutional Studies (LBCCS) and have been recording all of the goings on of the organization there. We try to educate through every single email and communication we send out. Even if a person just reads an announcement for upcoming events I want them to get something out of it that they can take away with them. So I have been putting quite a bit of time into our correspondence. Also on the website we have tons of resources for anyone interested. Everything from online books to online audio to informative current event sites. I hope anyone reading this will check it out. The address is:
So that is my life right now: Family, Work, Church and Country.
Now, I actually have been doing quite a bit of writing recently. I started a blogsite for the Liberty Bell Center for Constitutional Studies (LBCCS) and have been recording all of the goings on of the organization there. We try to educate through every single email and communication we send out. Even if a person just reads an announcement for upcoming events I want them to get something out of it that they can take away with them. So I have been putting quite a bit of time into our correspondence. Also on the website we have tons of resources for anyone interested. Everything from online books to online audio to informative current event sites. I hope anyone reading this will check it out. The address is:
So that is my life right now: Family, Work, Church and Country.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Natural Law
When our country was created, all other nations of the world were under a legal system known as “Civil Law” which holds that the government is the ultimate law and any rights the citizens have are granted to them by the government. Our founding fathers knew that was wrong and instead built our government based on the radical belief that the government is not the ultimate law. Instead, governments are under the law, Natural Law. But what is Natural Law?
The enlightenment philosopher, John Locke, wrote:
The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions: for men being all the workmanship of one omnipotent, and infinitely wise maker; all the servants of one sovereign master, sent into the world by his order, and about his business; they are his property, whose workmanship they are, made to last during his, not one another's pleasure.
Natural Law acknowledges that people's rights come from the Creator, not the government. No government has the right to deprive a person of any one of their rights “unless it be to do justice on an offender” of the rights of others.
Samuel Adams referenced Natural Law when he said:
The natural rights of the colonists are these: first, a right to life; second to liberty; third to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can.
And Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.
Author Richard Maybury writes:
After 1776, America became the leader of this movement to Natural Law. Countries that adopted a Natural Law viewpoint came to be known as the “free world,” of which America was the acknowledged leader. These countries also became the most prosperous, with the most job opportunities, the largest middle classes, and the most investment opportunities.
The United States of America was the first nation in the history of the world to align their law system with the “law of nature and nature's God” and became the most prosperous nation the world has ever seen.
When our country was created, all other nations of the world were under a legal system known as “Civil Law” which holds that the government is the ultimate law and any rights the citizens have are granted to them by the government. Our founding fathers knew that was wrong and instead built our government based on the radical belief that the government is not the ultimate law. Instead, governments are under the law, Natural Law. But what is Natural Law?
The enlightenment philosopher, John Locke, wrote:
The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions: for men being all the workmanship of one omnipotent, and infinitely wise maker; all the servants of one sovereign master, sent into the world by his order, and about his business; they are his property, whose workmanship they are, made to last during his, not one another's pleasure.
Natural Law acknowledges that people's rights come from the Creator, not the government. No government has the right to deprive a person of any one of their rights “unless it be to do justice on an offender” of the rights of others.
Samuel Adams referenced Natural Law when he said:
The natural rights of the colonists are these: first, a right to life; second to liberty; third to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can.
And Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.
Author Richard Maybury writes:
After 1776, America became the leader of this movement to Natural Law. Countries that adopted a Natural Law viewpoint came to be known as the “free world,” of which America was the acknowledged leader. These countries also became the most prosperous, with the most job opportunities, the largest middle classes, and the most investment opportunities.
The United States of America was the first nation in the history of the world to align their law system with the “law of nature and nature's God” and became the most prosperous nation the world has ever seen.
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