Monday, February 9, 2009

Changing The World

I had an interesting exchange with G (racist lady) today. We were talking about Glenn Beck's "We Surround Them" program which he is using to let people know that they are not alone in believing in the basic principles upon which our country was founded. It is built under the assumption that people are more likely to stand up for what they believe in if they know they are not standing alone. I mentioned how I thought it was a good thing and Gale said, "Oh, you think you will change the world, but you will not. You will just have a bunch of kids and be a father and end up doing nothing."


Let me pose this question, "Is it more important to 'change the world' on a large scale or for a person to try in his everyday life to affect the world in a positive way?"

The latter is obviously a more reasonable goal for an individual, but I would say that it is also more effective too. If we had a whole world of people trying to "change the world" in huge ways, very little would happen. But if we had a world full of people trying to "affect the world in a positive way through their individual lives" the chances are that lots would happen.

What is my world? What makes up my individual life? My life is made up of my wife, children, extended family, co-workers, work, friends and church family. Now what if my life was devoted to raising good children who will affect their worlds in positive ways? Who knows what could come of that! And with my co-workers, treating them right and sharing the Gospel with them, who knows what could happen! I have already seen God use me to eternally change the life of one man at work! Who knows what else He has in store for me here? And my work, too. What I do here is incredible! We create instruments here that are used all around the world to glorify God. The music made by these is enough to bring glory to God, but all the more when a church uses it in their worship! That is a positive way that I am affecting the world. The same goes for my church family and extended family. If I am working to affect them in positive ways, I will make a difference, and a good difference.

Many people have "changed the world" through history and often in negative ways. Many others have spent their lives striving to "change the world" and accomplished nothing. I am devoting myself to affecting those around me in positive ways. That is how I will make a difference for good in the world, and who knows, maybe God will use these seeds to change the world on a large scale someday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


And what is wrong with "just having lots of kids and being a father?"

I would say when you are truely parenting the way that God intended there is nothing small about it... Blessed is the man whose quiver is full! God doesn't see parenting as "just some thing". You are doing an incredible job loving and meeting Riley Joy's needs. You could complain about her neediness, you could make me do all the parenting..You could ignore us both! But you don't, you are actively involved in our lives and it is impossible to know just waht an incredibly positive impact you have already had on her little soul. We as children associate with God through how we percieve our fathers after all! That is a BIG BIG job you have!

I love you!
