So a few weeks ago I was up getting my tea out of the microwave at work when I saw a paper posted on the bulletin board there. It was a picture printed off of someone's computer. The picture was of a large airplane that was supposed to be Air Force One. On the front of the airplane there was a picture of a monkey eating a watermelon and on the rear of the plane there was a picture of President Obama eating a watermelon and the caption said, "The Watermelon Express."
WHAT! WHO WOULD POSSIBLY THINK THAT WAS AN OK THING TO POST UP THERE! I am not a politically correct person and I enjoy stereotypical humor, but that picture was making two unmistakably racist references!
What is wrong with some people? Who would possibly think that was appropriate... or even funny?
1 comment:
Hey Ryan! That was so awesome seeing you on Glenn Beck! Some friends on mine called me immediately after telling me they just saw my brother on TV. It was pretty funny =)
Anyway, I'm just wanted to let you know that this is my new blog!
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