I have been thinking so much about the Gospel recently. I just want to grab the shoulders of those around me and shake them yelling "Turn to Jesus and be saved!" I know that would probably not be the most effective way to lead them to Christ, but it still feels like all I have left. I see people around me every day and I pray, "Lord God, please turn that person's heart toward You if they don't know You already." I am a sort of silent prayer warrior. I hope God takes note of those prayers and works in those random peoples' lives. I especially hope He works in the hearts of those around me who I see every day and yet know are rejecting Him. THEY NEED HIM AND THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW IT! Or maybe they do realize it but are just putting on a cool exterior to try and mask the fact. I want them to break down and give in! I want to see them turn their hearts to Him and know that my prayers have not been in vain! I trust that God takes note of how I try to spread His Gospel to those around me, but I want to see salvation. It is like I see a dark cloud over these people, as they work, as they talk. Every day it bothers me more and more. I know that I need faith that it is all in God's hands, but that is little comfort when beholding those who are [currently] damned.
Jesus paid your price! Don't let His suffering be in vain! You don't even know what you are missing both in this life and the life to come!
I just want to shake some sense into them.
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