The President said today:
"I've asked Secretary Chu to lead a new effort at the Department of Energy focusing on implementing more aggressive efficiency standards for common household appliances... The first step we're taking sets new efficiency standards on fluorescent and incandescent lighting."
The government says we need to be "responsible." But is it being "responsible" when we are being forced to do it by the government? The government then says, "We will be saving you money by doing this [so don't worry about the fact that we're forcing your hand]!" I must point out, the whole premise of the President's argument is wrong. He wants to force us to use certain light bulbs (Yes, our government has its fingers so far into our lives that they actually are concerned about what light bulbs we are using). Our President works under the assumption that the government own us and therefor can tell us what we should and should not do, but for our own good, of course. In his eyes we are nothing more than servants to the greater good. Well, that is wrong. We are individuals who are responsible to our family and God.
We have responsibility for ourselves and cannot be forced to be responsible for the collective good. We were all created by God and given two arms, two legs, and one brain. We have the same capacity for decision-making and responsibility as our government officials. We use our faculties given to us by God to protect and provide for our families and make decisions based on what is based for them. God gave us that brain to make those decisions, and any government official who makes decisions for us (regardless of whether it is supposedly for our own good) is putting themselves above God by saying that He did not give us the necessary brain function to make the best decision. That is a dangerous place to be. These men see themselves as "supermen" as Bastiat would put it. God confounded the plans of the men at Babel who put themselves above Himself, and may He now confound the plans of these arrogant men who would do the same.
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