Thursday, March 4, 2010

Consistent Interpretation of Prophesy

It really bothers me how easy it is for folks to look at a prophetic passage and admit that the first part has been literally fulfilled, but then say that the next part of the prophesy will be fulfilled spiritually. Let's please be consistent. If we are consistent, we can see that ALL Bible prophesy that has been fulfilled, has been fulfilled literally. As Dr. Paul Benware summarized in the his excellent Understanding End Times Prophesy:

"Prophesies that have been fulfilled completely have been fulfilled literally, and that gives us confidence to expect that those prophetic utterances that are not yet fulfilled (or completely fulfilled) will also end up being fulfilled literally. We believe that Jesus Christ will literally return to this earth and reign at His second coming because He literally came to this earth the first time, being born of the virgin Mary at Bethlehem."

If we interpret consistently, Biblical prophesy is really not all that confusing, and the major disagreements people have over the covenants and the relationship of Israel to the Church all fade away.

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