Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I was looking through my email at work and came across some numbers that interested me.

First email sent: 10/19/05
Total emails sent: 3748

I started work at Walkers in June of 2005. I was initially at the Warehouse, but in August I was moved to the Shop. Once in the Shop, I worked in Electronics until October. In October I began working primarily with inventory and was assigned a computer to use. I can assume that the first day I used my computer was October 19, 2005. So I have been working at this computer for over four years. I have been working at Walkers for longer than I was in High School. I have worked at Walkers only six months longer than I have been married. In June, I will have worked here for five years. In the four years that we have been married

-Hannah and I have lived in two different apartments, and with her mother.
-We have driven from PA to Texas and back
-We have driven down to Florida and back multiple times
-We have flown down to Florida twice and flown back once.

Totally random, but it was what was currently in my head.

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