God is amazing, He really is. It blows me away how He is always the same, never changing. Everything in this world changes, but God remains the same. He is my anchor, the solid Rock upon which truth and life could never exist. He is the wellspring of joy and love from which we drink. He was gracious, is gracious, and always will be gracious. My attitude changes, my interests swing, my passion rises and falls, but God takes no heed. My shortcomings have no effect on his character.
In this last year I have had highs and lows, I have been passionately consumed by the Spirit and at other times felt apathetic and uninspired. I have thrown myself into the study of his Word and at other times felt completely uninterested. But what effect did this have on God? Did He give up on me? Did He abandon me when I lost focus of Him? No!
God is faithful. He is love and out of that love flows grace. His grace has completely saturated every moment of my life. When I have felt like absolutely nothing, He has poured out his grace in a new way just because He is God. Every way I turn, I am blown away by Him, by who He is. He is always there, always faithful, always loving, always gracious.
I have grown to love that feeling of knowing that I have in no way earned the grace I have received. That's the definition of grace: unmerited favor. It's easy in the high times of life to see grace almost as an entitlement because we follow God, but in the messy bits of life it becomes clear that grace is grace and God is God. God owes us nothing, yet give us everything. He remains faithful when we act faithless. He still loves when we have a hard time loving.
It is freakishly late at night and I should be asleep, but I have been lying in bed thinking about this, about God's faithfulness and grace. He blows me away, and I am forever his.
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