Sunday, June 22, 2008

15 (or less) Word Movie Reviews

Diary of the Dead - 4 of 5 Stars
Less horror more suspense, very claustrophobic feel, zombies are great, humor is great.

Prince Caspian - 4 of 5
Good action, great story, excellent message, darker that the first Narnia movie.

Rambo - 5 of 5
Revolutionary action movie, more war than action, Stallone exposes the killing machine within.

Witless Protection - 3 of 5
Larry the Cable Guy always makes me laugh, lots of great lines, very funny premise.

Atonement - 3 of 5
Excellent movie production, tragic love story, beautiful writing but slow movie.

Fools Gold - 3 of 5
Lots of humor, little romance, some action, very fast moving movie.

1 comment:

Hannah Joy said...

I really surprsingly loved Fools Gold...I didn't expect to enjoy it so much. :0)