Now with the ability to do schooling online, it frees Hannah and me to live wherever we want and work wherever I want. So the question now is, where do I see myself heading in my job. I enjoy what I am doing now, to an extent. I am good at administration and management, but I really do not get any satisfaction from what I am doing. The most satisfaction I get is from seeing a big stack of papers at the end of the day being reduced to a small stack. I would really like to get more into manufacturing, but only if there is a way for me to move up within that. My current job here is kind of a dead end job. It was established as a temporary position that has moved into a necessary position, but regardless is basic administration with lots of paperwork and almost nowhere to advance to. Basically, the job I am working is as far at it goes. If I want to get more real responsibility and pay, I need to move into another part of the business. I could head down the administration route and head more into project scheduling and maybe purchasing, but I just do not see myself heading down that route. I really want something hands on. I am getting so tired of endless piles of paperwork. So that leaves console shop, warehouse, and electronics production. Engineering also, but I am not qualified for that nor do I want to head down that direction. Out of what remains, I could definitely see myself moving into Electronics Production. The people working in production are the oldest people here and they will only be here a limited time, so within the next number of years things are going to be shaken up up there leaving openings which I might like to fill.
I talked with John C today about my job and where it is heading and it went really well. We talked about what areas I could move into and where I would like to head. In the end I could see myself heading into electronics production and as I gain experience hopefully moving into diagnostics and service. But obviously I do not have the training to truly move in that direction yet, so it is looking like I am going to need to start getting some technical training. John also said that would be a good thing for me to do. That sounds really fun to me. I have always wanted to know how electronics work and I could at least get the basics there and I know that I can figure out the rest over time.
Nothing is for sure at this point, but a lot is happening and I am spending a lot of time in prayer. I need direction from God.
Please lead me, Lord, and I will follow.
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