Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"From Hope to Higher Ground" Excerpt

by Mike Huckabee

"As we saw victims of Hurricane Katrina overwhelmed by the unexpected storms and surges of water that washed away their hope, we also saw ourselves as likewise being vulnerable. We are reminded that in many ways we all live below sea level, surrounded by levees that we think will hold and that we trust to keep us safe. But whether the levees are those made by human hands with concrete and steel, or are the levees of our personal health, our jobs, the safety of our neighbors, our pension plan, or the confidence we have placed in our government, churches, banks, or other institutions, all of us indeed live below sea level and are but one breached levee away from devastation.

Sadly, for too many Americans, the levees have been breached, the water is pouring in, and they are rapidly losing real hope. When hope is lost, all is lost. The will to seek higher ground is rooted in hope that the present calamity is not a permanent condition.

America today is a deeply troubled nation. But its primary problem is not a political but a a perspective problem..."

As I read this today, it really rang true to me. We all have certain things in our lives that we hold as essential and would be crushed if they fell through. But the truth always is that this is not the end. It is not the end of the world as we know it. Through perseverance and the grace of God we can and will get through the trials and tribulations in this life. I can not help but think about the levees I have in my life: money, working cars, good health... I need to be able to trust God with these and know that should any or all of these collapse, we can and will make it through.

All in all, God is our hope and can get us through even the wildest of storms.

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