Saturday, August 9, 2008

Homeschooling Excerpt

Excerpt from "Citizen Magazine" July 2008 Issue, p. 25
by Dr. James Dobson

"This is a subject on which my mind has changed dramatically over the years. There was a time when I subscribed wholeheartedly to the notion that early formal childhood education was vital to the child's intellectual well-being. That was widely believed in the '60s and '70s. I no longer accept that idea and favor keeping kids with their parents for a longer time...

The research now validates the wisdom of keeping boys and girls in a protected environment until they have achieved a greater degree of maturity. Not only do they benefit emotionally from that delay, but they typically make better progress academically. That's why homeschooled individuals often gain entrance to the most prestigious universities and colleges in the country. What parents can teach young children in informal one-on-one interactions surpasses what their little minds can absorb sitting among 25 age-mates in a classroom."

Excellently put, and totally true. I know this because of my own experience having been both homeschooled and in public/private schools.

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